The Hunger Games Tour!

I did the Hunger Games tour with my bestie! YES! This is a THING! Not even joking. It was so much fun! Part of it might have been that I was with my best friend, but it was seriously cool to see where they filmed a good portion of the movie.

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We went to The Seam and to Peta’s Bakery. There was quite a bit of vandalism, but it was still very cool. They still have the sign on the bakery.

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After the Bakery we went to where they filmed The Arena scenes. I don’t have as many pics from there, but let me tell you, the hike was a killer, but worth it. I had a ton of fun. We also had the pleasure of being joined by Katniss on our hike. lol So great. It was the day before Halloween and absolutely the most perfect costume for the day.

We also went ziplining through the mountains. Another killer hike that was ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT! I’d never been ziplining before, but I’m glad I went. Apparently, Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson did the same zipline in prep for The Hunger Games.

I definitely want to go ziplining again. That was amazing. And I’ve gotten to see my best friend three times this year. I only get to see her once every couple of years, usually because she lives so far away, but this has been a good year!

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