Review – NAKED News for Indie Authors – How To Get On TV – by Gisela Hausmann
As an indie author, getting on TV and letting everyone know about my books is certainly something I’ve thought about. Many indie authors do not. I was alerted to this book and decided that it would be a good idea to give it a read, as I have a community event coming up and I would like to let as many people know about it as possible. I’d like it to be a success so I will be invited back to do another event.
This process works, and the best part about it is, the process is simple and relatively painless…unless you’re like me and making phone calls gives you anxiety. Ms. Hausmann outlines in detail exactly what to say and how to say it to get the news anchor’s attention so you can get on TV and let people know that you are, in fact, an expert in your field.
Due to circumstances out of my control – my target news anchor was out of the office for a few days – I was not able to get my event on TV. However, I did get hold of the news anchor, who was very interested, and will be advertising my next signing.
My advice, get over your fear of talking to people. Send the email and make the phone calls. You literally have nothing to lose if you do.