I have two kinds of days…
That’s not 100% accurate, but for the sake of this post, let’s just say I have two kinds of days.
Day Type #1
I wake up extremely motivated and ready to work. I workout, I shower, I do my hair, get dressed, write, work on learning Japanese, learn some code (some kind of learning thing to better my brain). I pack up my things, get in my car, and go to the bookstore to work where the ladies are so welcoming and kind and seem to be as completely excited about what I’m striving for as I do. These are good days. Strong days. Empowered days. I get a lot done and I’m proud of myself and happy with my work.
Day Type #2
Everything I said previously, it’s the reverse of that. I can’t get anything right. Everything I touch seems to end up wrong. I email the wrong people, I give people the wrong information. I misunderstand everything. I fight with my fiance. There’s this extreme disconnect between what I want done and what I am capable of doing. My dreams and goals seem so far out of reach that there’s no way to get there. These are bad days. Depressed days. Unmotivated, sloppy, I-will-not-put-on-a-bra days. And I seem to be having them more and more. The busier my publishing business gets, the loftier my dreams get, and the less I seem able to get done. I feel like these are all things I should be able to do, but I just can’t seem to do them. It’s frustrating. Why can’t I focus? Why can’t I get things right?
In case you’re wondering, yes, today is the day that I emailed the wrong person. Twice.
I emailed this woman twice thinking she was the person I wanted to email. And when I finally did email the right person I gave her ALL the wrong information. *SMH* I’m taking the day off. My assistant said so.
Here’s a video of me and my best friend reviewing TV shows.