A Long Awaited Gratuitous Gandy Gif Post
Bassy and Mariss are on a boat. And the captain is sexy So, naturally, Bassy is jealous. They spend the night and Bassy is in the master suit with his...
Bassy and Mariss are on a boat. And the captain is sexy So, naturally, Bassy is jealous. They spend the night and Bassy is in the master suit with his...
Bassy walks into his club all And all the ladies are like And he’s petting a puppy when he sees Mariss But…really, there are no puppies. Add To Your TBR...
So Mariss gets drunk… And Bassy didn’t want her going home alone to drink more… Even though it was his fault so, he took her back to his flat and...
So, this happened Sunday. I almost died. I understand that I might have overreacted, however, I think I handled it pretty well. =) If you...
Alright. So, I was on facebook this morning, minding my own business, when all of a sudden, this video pops up. As we all know, David Gandy (mmm…David Gandy) is...
So, Sebastian sees Mariss and he’s all And then he’s all “I want her…” So, she has a photoshoot and he’s all And But Mariss is married and she tells...