Book Review – Love, Technically – Repost
**I read and posted this book last year. This is a repost of that review.**

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Love Technically
Before I bought this book, I read reviews stating that the writing wasn’t very good and it needed editing, but the story was cute. So, I bought it, because there aren’t enough stories out there about nerds in love and the premise sounded adorable.
Noah/Sark is the adorable nerd CEO of a technology company and he’s miserable. He’s losing control of his company. Enter Michelle, a country girl who knows nothing about coding or new tech. Or even how to run a printer properly. Their chemistry is adorable and Noah…well…I have a thing for smart, sexy nerds. Noah is used to women using him for his money, so he doesn’t tell Michelle who he is at first. But when he does, Michelle totally misses it. That’s where I had my first issue. Michelle tends to be a little stupid. And later, she blames Noah for their issues because her reading comprehension isn’t the strongest.
The premise of the story was good, but lent itself to needing to be twice as long as it was. The story skipped over a lot of the intricacies of making new relationships and there could have been a lot more romance and sexual tension. This was a short read, but there needed to be more.
Despite everything, I really enjoyed this story. It was absolutely adorable.